Community Conflicts In Arid An]) Semi- Arid Lands (Asals): A Case Study Of Mwingi District In Kenya

  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0010
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 82 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 410
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According to the tenets of the three pillars of Vision 2030, the Kenya’s blue print for economic

development, the social pillar envisages to build a just and cohesive society with social equity in

a clean and secure environment. (Vision 2030, 2007:1). The vision is bound to operationalize the

necessary policy, legal and institutional framework around security, peace building and conflict

management for national and inter-community dialogue in order to build harmony among ethnic,

racial and other interest groups. For this reason, Peace Committees being popular and successful

in handling community conflicts in Mwingi district can provide an alternative mode of dispute

resolution to the court system and cross boarder conflicts. This is justified by the fact that Peace

Committees are accessible and operate in localized areas where the communities understand their

procedures and conduct. Despite these strategies to resolve community conflicts, there are many

constraints that make their implementation difficult and ineffective.

The study was conducted in Mwingi district to investigate conflicts in arid and semi- arid lands

(ASALs): a case study of Mwingi district in Kenya. The study objectives were; to find out the

existing community conflicts and their causes, examining the challenges faced by Peace

committees in preventing, managing and resolving community conflicts, identifying conflict

resolution mechanisms undertaken by the Peace Committees in handling community conflicts.

The research study employed a descriptive research design which is a scientific method that

involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way.

The major conflicts in the study area included; Agro-pastoralists conflicts including animal

trespass, land conflict, Banditry/thuggery including murder, Domestic violence, leadership

wrangles, Resource competition and tribal clashes. These destabilize the welfare of the people in

the society. Peace committees being near and within the community play an important role in

resolving these conflicts. The methods used by peace committees in resolving these conflicts

included the peace committee court, Mediation, Arbitration and reconciliation of conflicting


Corruption, Poor governance, policy framework, poor communication, Resource competition,

prevalence of SALW and inadequate capacity were the major challenges faced by peace

committees in resolving community conflicts. The possible solutions to these challenges

mentioned above included; avoiding corruption through censuring corrupt peace committee

members, Improved means of communication for the peace committees, promote public

awareness on the work of peace committees to the community and the need for peaceful co

existence which empowers the community on issues of self governance and democratization,

Government to control the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, mobilize resources to

support the work of peace committees through giving them incentives and allowing them to hold

public gatherings, Building the capacity of peace committees through trainings for knowledge and skills improvement and improving the policy framework on recognition and legitimacy.




Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 3

PurposeoftheStudy 4

Objectives of the Study 4

Research Questions

Scope of the Study

Significance of the Study


Theoretical Review 6

Conceptual Framework 8

The Existing Community Conflicts and Their Causes 9

The challenges faced by Peace committees in preventing, managing and resolving

Commumtyconflicts 19

Conflict Resolution Mechanisms Undertaken By the Peace Committees in Handling

Community Conflicts 23


ChapterOvervjew 27

Research Design 27

Sample and Sampling Procedures 27

Research Jnsfruments 27

Reliability and Validity 29

Research Procedure 29

DataAnalysis 30

Limitations of the Study 30

Ethical considerations 31



Chapter Overview 32

Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents 32

Existence of Conflicts and their Causes in Mwingi District 37

Involvements of Peace Committees in Resolving Community Conflicts in Mwingi


Proposed Suggestions to Challenges Faced By Peace Committees 48


Summary of the Major Findings 52



Suggestions for Further Research 55



Research Questjopj-iajre 59

Focus group discussion guide 62

Budget 63

TimeFrame 64

  • Department: Arts Education
  • Project ID: ARE0010
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 82 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 410
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